Prescription Drugs Act (St. 1937 No. . 541 ) ;
Law No. 23 of 1992 on Health ;
Law No. 5 of 1997 on Psychotropic Substances (State Gazette No. 1997 . 10 , Supplement No. . 3671) ;
Law No. 22 of 1997 on Narcotics ( State Gazette No. 1997 . 67 , Supplement No. . 378 ) ;
Government Regulation Number 25 of 1980 concerning amendments to the Government Regulation Number 26 of 1965 concerning Pharmacy ; (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 1980 No. 40 , Supplement to Statute Book No. 3169 ) ;
Government Regulation No. 32 of 1996 on Health Manpower (State Gazette of 1996 No. 49 , Supplement to Statute Book No. 3637 ) ;
Government Regulation Number 72 of 1998 on the security of Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices (State Gazette No. 138 of 1998 Supplement to Statute Book No. 3781 ) ;
Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1332 / Menkes / SK / X / 2002 on amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Health No. . 922 / Menkes / Per / X / 1993 on the terms and procedure for granting permission Pharmacy .
Regulation of the Minister of Health of Republic of. 922 / Menkes / Per / X / 1993 on the terms and procedure for granting permission Pharmacy .
Singingi Kuantan District Regulation No. 9 of 2001 on Health Services LevyFor those of you who will set up a variety of required pharmacy requirements . Requirements that relate to a variety of parties and institutions to strengthen the establishment of a pharmacy license . The following are the terms of the applicant who will mendirian pharmacies .a. Applicant requirements
Application Letter establishment business license Pharmacies
Pharmacists Deed Agreement with PSA ( Owner Means Pharmacists )
Pharmacists are not involved Statement stamped Pharmaceutical Law 6000
letter Assignment
diploma Pharmacists
Statement letter Pharmacists Not Working in Other Pharmacies Stamped 6000
Copy of ID card applicant
Pharmacist Assistant diploma
Assistant Pharmacist Letter Assignment
Statement of Assistant Full Time Pharmacist working in the Pharmacy stamped 6000
Statement of Assistant Pharmacist Pharmacy Not Working in another stamped 6000
KTP Assistant Pharmacist
Man Power List
Pas Photo Size 4 x 6 3 lbrOnce the applicant met the requirements , then we can take care of setting up a pharmacy license . Here are some requirements that must be prepared to get a letter of permission to establish a pharmacy .b . Application for eligibility for a pharmacy permit
Photocopy of Notary
Copy ID Capital and Assistant Pharmacists
Copy of Izajah and Work Permit ( SIK ) Pharmacist
Copy of lease rent House Minimum 2 years or a photo copy of the certificate (self )
Copy of Business License
Pass photo 3 × 4 = 3 pieces Director and Assistant Pharmacist .
UGG Copy / HOIf all conditions are met , we will go through various stages in the care of the permits . To facilitate you who plan to take care of licensing dispensaries , following the flow or stage of the licensing memngurus .c . Incorporation mechanism of pharmacy
Filed a petition at the service counter file
Inspection file ( complete )
Survey into the field ( if necessary )
determination SKRD
Permit process
Payment in cashier
Establishment of a pharmacy permit submissiond . Completion oldFor 14 days
e . Licensing costsRp . 250.000 , -
By :
Cikita Putri Taji Aprilianti
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