
Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013

ethic of farmasi

nama rully claudia natasya
nim : 201310410311056

 Chracteristic of Pharmacy is common concern with collective self discipline of the group.the practitioner like Pharmacy has accepted responsibility for an Ethical of conduct going beyond confirmity with law or technical skill.

in a profession this ethical obligation cannot superseded by passage of law : moreover, however wide the net may be woven for controlling a
profession through force(law) , an area of activitis always remains for control through voluntary self-discipline (ethics).

in pharmacy, as other health profession, the ethical standards have been expressed through a profession oat and profession code.the oat is brief and general,intend to obligate and inspire te Pharmacist to abide by applicable law, codified ethics, and the dictates of conscience and religious principles.

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