
Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

History of Medicine

Nama  : Fifin Ariesta Setiani
NIM     : 201310410311063
Drugs are good all chemical substances, animal, or vegetable in proper doses can cure, mitigate or prevent diseases and symptoms.

1 . Vegetable drugs
Most drugs used in the past are drugs derived from plants. By way of try-try, empirically ancient people gain experience with a variety of leaves or roots of plants to treat disease. This knowledge for generations kept and developed, so that the emerging science of folk medicine, such as traditional herbal medicine in Indonesia.


2 . The emergence of drug chemical synthesis
At the beginning of the 20th century, synthetic chemical drugs started to progress, with the discovery of drugs illustrious,
namely salvarsan and aspirin as a pioneer, which was followed by a number of other drugs. Recently achieved a break- true with the discovery and use of kemoterapeutika sulfatilamid (1935) and penicillin (1940). Actually, it is more than two thousand years known that purulent ulcers can be cured by covering the wound using mold-specific fungi, but only in 1928, these properties were investigated scientifically by penicillin discoverer Dr. Alexander Fleming.
Since 1945 the science of chemistry, physics and medicine growing rapidly ( eg, chemical synthesis, fermentation, recombinant DNA technology ) and this is a very important advantage for systematic studies of new drugs. Thousands of synthetic substances have been found, an average of 500 substances resulted in revolutionary developments in pharmacotherapy midwife. Most ancient medicine abandoned and replaced with cutting-edge drugs.

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