
Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Create a spirit to be a Pharmacist

Nama   : Ratna Puspita Sari
Nim     : 201310410311062

Pharmacists are a potential job at the moment and very vital role in the community . Without a pharmacist medicines affairs will be disrupted and can be fatal .

Today, the widespread community work as a pharmacist is often under-emphasized . The point is that many people underestimate and do not have the slightest interest in the Pharmacy . Because of their assumption , pharmacists just someone who works for dispensing medicine and do not have position / high degree and does not have a field or land a great
job . Often the pharmacist and the pharmacist is just a shadow of the doctors .

Minister of Health we are all doctors and no a pharmacist or pharmacists who become important with high office dikementrian health . Even many doctors are ignoring pharmacists in hospitals with mengobatin and directly deliver drugs without consultation with a pharmacist . It is also due to the role of the pharmacist is not maximal seven stars as a pharmacist .

Supposedly , a pharmacist is a mediator between doctors and patients in terms of drug delivery . Patients can even consult with a pharmacist in a hospital / dispensary that he visited . However , there is still a lack of information about this very influential on the work of pharmacists / pharmacists .

However , in reality this work is very broad field of pharmacy . Pharmacists are not only responsible for a pharmacy or pharmacist does not just work for the dispensing of medicines . In addition to working at the hospital , according to Regulation 51 , ​​including Pharmaceutical Works is manufacturing of Pharmaceutical quality control , security , procurement , storage and distributor or penyaluranan medication , medication management , the prescription drug services , drug information services , as well as drug development , materials medicine and traditional medicine .

A pharmacist can also work in the field of R & D ( Research and Development ) , which is conducting research on drug or medicine that can be used as an alternative new drugs in the world . Examples of cancer drugs , etc. Public opinion that pharmacists can not work dipemerintahan was wrong , a pharmacist may charge the POM is of course owned by the government .

At this time the number of pharmacists and pharmacists in Indonesia today is minimal . Recorded in Indonesia has a ratio of 1 to 8000 . Meaning 1 pharmacist handle 8000 patients this figure is the largest among the other countries in ASEAN with Raio 4000 till 5000 only. In every hospital , every 4 room should have one pharmacist but in Indonesia setap 30 rooms only have 1 pharmacist . It is ironic to know the population of Indonesia is very much but health workers in the field of Pharmacy which is vital for a country's minimum amount .

Shortage of pharmacists is not only experienced by Indonesia in the whole world is the same , even in 2025 predicted America will lack about 15,000 pharmacists . This is a very sad thing , because the public demand for the service will be the drugs of course hampered by the small number of pharmacists .

Lack of Pharmacists in Indonesia , resulting in a lot of fraudulent practices . By PP51 , An APA ( Pharmacist Pharmacy business ) should only be able to hold 1 pharmacy . However , shortage of pharmacists and the lack of oversight resulted in 1 pharmacist can hold 2 to 3 pharmacies . Of course with this kind of cheating to make the credibility of the pharmacist questioned and doubted .

Even this deficiency , causing a lack of supervision of food and drugs into Indonesia . Impact is a lot of food and drugs with harmful content or banned to enter and circulate Indonesian market . This is very dangerous . Knowing this , our government did not say anything . The government wants to increase the number of pharmacists in Indonesia . Therefore , the government gave notice through advertising advertising , to promote the importance of pharmacists in Indonesia. One way to provide information and knowledge about the pharmacy through advertising brief .

Even the government provides many scholarships especially in the field of pharmacy to implement the vision and mission of the welfare of their community health , especially drugs . With such an understanding of the wrong pharmaceutical certainly be justified .
Pharmacy education in Indonesia has been more and more . Travel time to be in the field of Pharmacy S1 is about 4 years old , and can proceed to the field of pharmacy for 1 year .

The pharmacy student , studying everything related to the drug . Learn which drug makers , how drugs work , and even how to make drugs and much more . In the pharmacy itself , is divided into two areas of specialization , there is clinical pharmacy , which will lead to more hospital pharmacy . And there are also pharmaceutical technology , which leads to more drug industry . Most students , taking pharmacy tech in hopes of having a larger salary than clinical pharmacy . Reality is not like that , it all depends on the ability of each of us .

Pharmacist program itself is a professional program that can be taken after graduating S1 Pharmaceuticals . Education applied for about 1 year and coupled with the street vendors . Pharmacists clearly have a higher position than the S1 pharmacists . A pharmacist , may be APA ( Pharmacist Pharmacy business ) and have an official license from the Ministry of Health .
Along the development era , many curriculum also waxes and wanes . Currently , a fairly new course and attracted much attention is the Pharmaceutical Care .

Care Pharmaceuitcal essentially learn how we as an expert in the field of pharmaceutical drugs to treat patients so that patients can be improved with the recovery capabilities kulaitas or drugs and the services provided . This is one of the key application of seven stars pharmacist + + .

With the existence of this course , the pharmacist is very helpful so that the part that is often taken by a doctor can be mastered completely . And pharmacist services can be better , because with the pharmaceutical care pharmacist is required to be a good mediator between doctor and patient . The advantages of being a pharmacist is a pharmacist pharmacists than having a broader employment , therefore many pharmacy graduates who immediately took the S1 pharmacist program .

Besides this advantage alone is a pharmacist at the drug is an essential need of people all around the world , and the pharmacist is an important element that is useful to balance the needs with the availability of the drug . It can not be fulfilled , because the number of pharmacists is very minimal , which turned out to be another advantage of someone being a pharmacist .

Other keutungan is currently pharmacies mushrooming everywhere and in very diverse forms according kebuthan patients . And also the technology has developed very rapidly very easy for pharmacists to do some research to find new drugs that can cure a rare disease , even aids atu . A pharmacist , according to research in America was ranked as the 9th highest -paying job , but of course along with the high salary of a pharmacist risks or responsibilities required are enormous .

The bottom line is the pharmacy profession as an expert in the field ( especially pharmacists ) is very profitable , promising and also bermasa very bright future . We can be successful not only financially and even socially . Because we are like doctors , which helps people find healing . Communities need support for our progress in Indonesia 's Pharmacy . In order to achieve our goals , the welfare of the people .

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