Selasa, 31 Desember 2013
Senin, 30 Desember 2013
Pharmaceutical Care
Pharmaceutical Care
Pharmaceutical care planning is increasingly seen as the most effective manner by which to deliver pharmaceutical care services to the patient. The role of the pharmacist, both specialist and generalist, is paramount, as much of the treatment in Mental Health is dependent on the effective management of the patients medication(1). Consequently, there is a need for standardised pharmaceutical care planning within the speciality. This project has taken on the recommendations from that study to re-design and validate a standardised document for pharmaceutical care planning in a psychiatric in-patient population. Methods Recommendations from the MHPSG’s study and candidate care issues specific to mental health pharmacy were identified and incorporated into the re-design of the care plan document. A small field test was then conducted in NHS Lothian, where 12 care plans were completed by six pharmacists. Feedback from this study was used to re-develop a 2nd draft, which was subjected to peer review and assessment by focus group discussion. The focus group consisted of clinical mental health pharmacists from different health board areas who discussed the content, layout and general utility of the document. Findings from this discussion informed the re-development of a final version of the care plan document. Results A four page standardised document that will enable a uniform care planning approach within mental health pharmacy. Conclusion The development of a national care planning system is a labour intensive process. This project has managed to produce a care plan that may be used as a standard within mental health in-patients after further validation. Whilst the majority of pharmacists are aware of its benefits, several issues became apparent which may impede its implementation and use.
LINA FITRIANIDIAH (201310410311089)
What is Pharmaceutical Care?
What is Pharmaceutical Care?
Pharmaceutical care, or a more intensive patient follow-up by the pharmacist, can be described as guaranteeing that the patient uses his medication as correctly, efficiently and safely as possible. The pharmacist, trained as an expert in medicines, is the last health care provider to be in contact with the patient during the start-up or continuation of a drug, and at the same time he is also his first point of contact with respect to questions about the medicine. He can therefore inform and supervise the patient – in addition and in consultation with the physician – with respect to the correct use of medicines, medication adherence and self-medication.In concrete terms, pharmaceutical care in the community pharmacy consists of the following activities:
Acyclovir Pharmacology and Indication
Acyclovir is acyclic purine nucleoside analogue active against
herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster, Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus.
In the cell, undergo phosphorylation acyclovir acyclovir triphosphate into an
active form that inhibit the herpes simplex virus DNA polymerase and viral DNA
replication, thereby preventing viral DNA synthesis without affecting normal
cell processes.
Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013
Indeed the modern era . When first using Siwak brushing your teeth or brick powder , now many people are turning to toothpaste . Yes , toothpaste is considered more practical , more attractive , and easy to obtain tnentunya . Not only in the super market , in small stalls are now we could find toothpaste . However, today there is toothpaste dangerous content that not many people know . Iu harmful content is fluoride .
Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013
Nama : Kasnita
NIM : 201310410311066
A pharmacist is
an expert in medicines and their use. The majority of pharmacists practice in hospital
pharmacy, community pharmacy, or in primary care pharmacy, working to ensure that patients
get the maximum benefit from their medicines. They advise medical and nursing
staff on the selection and appropriate use of medicines. They provide
information to patients on how to manage their medicines to ensure optimal
treatment. Pharmacists are able to undertake additional training in order to
allow them to prescribe medicines for specific conditions.
Opportunities also exist for pharmacists to work in specialist fields such as the pharmaceutical industry, education and medical writing.
Opportunities also exist for pharmacists to work in specialist fields such as the pharmaceutical industry, education and medical writing.
Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013
Healthy is Expensive
People said “ Healthy is
expensive” and it is true. Nobody that wants to take ill, but they want to
healthy, of course I think so, because a
few ago I take ill without my family, I am lonely and it is so hurt, because
usually when I sick my family with me and nursed me but yesterday they not
here. I miss them very much. Nevertheless
I'm thankful for having a friend who will care for me and treat me, but I do
not want to bother them and therefore I think to recover quickly.
Healthy is
more fun than sick because we can do all the things we love, for example playing
or hang out with friends but if we are sick we can only sleep in the room and
make friends with drug. We did not ever know when we will be sick because the
pain comes on suddenly and attack anyone and anywhere. So we we should be able
to keep our bodies in order to not hurt and it starts from the little things as
well as self-start. But I also got a lesson from this incident, first I have to
be able to maintain healthy from now on, the second is that I got a new lesson
about drugs. Medicine should I take when in such circumstances. Everything
would be a lesson for us and make a lesson for you as well. we have to stay
healthy to be able to do all the things we love. healthy so it costly. Byee....
Nama : Anis Piari Sri Suhariyati
Nim : 201310410311061
Nama : Anis Piari Sri Suhariyati
Nim : 201310410311061
Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013
Ups and downs of a Pharmacist
NIM : 201310410311064
You can imagine the pharmacist
to get a degree, it
takes 4-5 years to graduate
pharmacy degree, then
you take 1-2 years
to get a degree pharmacist
profession. So it is not an easy matter
to become a
pharmacist. You may ask what are the fondest
memories of a pharmacist in
college, for example about:
practical issues. Pharmacists not so
ordinary people who have an easy job.
But when compared
to the same Superman, Batman and Wonderwoman,
pharmacist cuman have
white-colored lab coat for daily life.
are many ups and downs of being
a pharmacist that can be used as an example, one of our clever time
management, because
Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013
Hey Ladies,, have you ever felt painful menstruation??
Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) is derived from abdominal pain and uterine cramps during menstruation. If there's no underlying cause is found, it's called Primary Dysmenorrhea and if the cause is abnormalities, it's called Secondary Dysmenorrhea.
Secondary dysmenorrhea is less common and occurs in 25% of women with dysmenorrhea. The cause of secondary dysmenorrhea are: endometriosis, fibroids, adenomyosis, inflammation of fallopian tubes,
Secondary dysmenorrhea is less common and occurs in 25% of women with dysmenorrhea. The cause of secondary dysmenorrhea are: endometriosis, fibroids, adenomyosis, inflammation of fallopian tubes,
Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013
History of Medicine
Nama : Fifin Ariesta Setiani
NIM : 201310410311063
Drugs are good all chemical substances, animal, or
vegetable in proper doses can cure, mitigate or prevent diseases and symptoms.
1 . Vegetable drugs
Most drugs used in the past are drugs derived from plants. By way of try-try, empirically ancient people gain experience with a variety of leaves or roots of plants to treat disease. This knowledge for generations kept and developed, so that the emerging science of folk medicine, such as traditional herbal medicine in Indonesia.
Most drugs used in the past are drugs derived from plants. By way of try-try, empirically ancient people gain experience with a variety of leaves or roots of plants to treat disease. This knowledge for generations kept and developed, so that the emerging science of folk medicine, such as traditional herbal medicine in Indonesia.

2 . The emergence of drug chemical synthesis
At the beginning of the 20th century, synthetic chemical drugs started to progress, with the discovery of drugs illustrious,
Senin, 07 Oktober 2013
Create a spirit to be a Pharmacist
Nama : Ratna Puspita Sari
Nim : 201310410311062
Pharmacists are a potential job at the moment and very vital role in the community . Without a pharmacist medicines affairs will be disrupted and can be fatal .
Today, the widespread community work as a pharmacist is often under-emphasized . The point is that many people underestimate and do not have the slightest interest in the Pharmacy . Because of their assumption , pharmacists just someone who works for dispensing medicine and do not have position / high degree and does not have a field or land a great
Pharmacy (English : pharmacy ,
Greek: Pharmacon , which means : drugs ) is one area that is a combination of
health professionals from health sciences and chemical sciences , which has the
responsibility to ensure the effectiveness and safety of drug use . The scope
of pharmacy practice includes traditional pharmacy compounding practices and
the provision of drug dosage , as well as modern pharmacy services related to
patient care (patient care) including clinical
Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013
Terms Drugstore Foundation Right
Pharmacy is a place that provides a variety of drugs , either prescription or drugs circulating in the community . Pharmacies now many we meet either in urban or in rural areas . Circulation is not another pharmacy for its importance in the community .The Government has set all things related to the pharmacy . Permit granting legal basis Pharmacy And Drug Stores by to :
Prescription Drugs Act (St. 1937 No. . 541 ) ;
Law No. 23 of 1992 on Health ;
Law No. 5 of 1997 on Psychotropic Substances (State Gazette No. 1997 . 10 , Supplement No. . 3671) ;
Law No. 22 of 1997 on Narcotics ( State Gazette No. 1997 . 67 , Supplement No. . 378 ) ;
Prescription Drugs Act (St. 1937 No. . 541 ) ;
Law No. 23 of 1992 on Health ;
Law No. 5 of 1997 on Psychotropic Substances (State Gazette No. 1997 . 10 , Supplement No. . 3671) ;
Law No. 22 of 1997 on Narcotics ( State Gazette No. 1997 . 67 , Supplement No. . 378 ) ;
Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013
ethic of farmasi
nama rully claudia natasya
nim : 201310410311056
of Pharmacy is common concern with collective self discipline of the group.the
practitioner like Pharmacy has accepted responsibility for an Ethical of
conduct going beyond confirmity with law or technical skill.
in a
profession this ethical obligation cannot superseded by passage of law :
moreover, however wide the net may be woven for controlling a
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