Pharmacy Concept
a. Introduction to pharmaceutical
Pharmaceuticals derived from the word " PHARMACON " which means drug or poison . While understanding the pharmacy is a profession in the health sector which includes activities in the areas of discovery , development , production , processing , compounding , and distribution of drugs .
Responsibilities of a pharmacist is responsible for the health and safety of people / patients who need it .
In pharmaceutical sciences there are four areas studied , the clinical pharmacy , pharmaceutical industry , pharmaceutical science , and the pharmacy traditional
medicine .
Supporting capabilities that must be owned is happy and familiar with physics , chemistry , biology , and mathematics ; fidelity and accuracy ; memorizing and analytical skills , and love working for the laboratory .
b . pharmacology
Pharmacy profession is defined as the art and science involving the supply of drugs , from natural or synthetic sources suitable for distribution and use in the treatment and prevention of disease . Pharmacy includes knowledge about the identification , sorting , pharmacological actions , preservation , merging , analysis , and standardization of drug ingredients and dosage . Also include the distribution of pharmaceutical knowledge and use of appropriate and safe medication , either prescribed by licensed physicians , dentists , and veterinarians , as well as through other legitimate means , for example by means of distributing or selling directly to users .
Most of the pharmaceutical competence translates into products that are professionally managed and distributed to those who need it . Pharmaceutical knowledge is selectively delivered to the professionals in the field of health and the common people and the general public so that knowledge about drugs and drug products can make a real contribution to the health of individuals and the general welfare of the community .
c . pharmaceutical development
Has been a change in pharmacy jobs in pharmacy and pharmacist role gradually changed from peracik ( compunder ) and supplier of pharmaceutical preparations towards the provision of services and information , and eventually changed again as the giver of care to patients . Besides that , plus it is the duty of a pharmacist prescribe more effective viable , more secure and satisfying patients . Approach method is called with pharmaceutical care ( pharmaceutical care ).
Nama : Fitri Linda Rahmawati
Nim : 201310410311080
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