
Senin, 30 September 2013


 PHARMACOGNOSY.                                             Pharmacognosy is derived from two Greek words, Pharmakon ( medicine ) and Gnosis ( science / knowledge ) . So Pharmacognosy is the science of medicine , especially of vegetable, animal and mineral . Definition that covers the entire scope of Pharmacognosy given by Fluckiger , namely knowledge simultaneously various branches of science to obtain all the terms you need to know about the drug .

History and Development Farmakognasi.
At approximately 2500 years BC , the use of medicinal plants has been used by people , it can be seen from clay slabs stored in the library Ashurbanipal in Assyria , which includes among other botanicals pomegranate bark , opium , anise, honey , yeast , castor oil . A physician has to know hiosiamina cinnamon , Gentiana , rhubarb , gum arabic and magnolia flowers .In 1737 Linnaeus , a
Swedish botanist , wrote the book " Genera Plantarum " which later became the main handbook of systematic botany , while the modern Pharmacognosy initiated by Martiuss , a German pharmacist in his book " Der Grundriss Pharmakognosie December Planzenreisches " has been classified according simplisia in terms of morphology , the ways to determine the purity of botanicals .Pharmacognosy began to grow rapidly after the mid 19th century and is still limited to the macroscopic and microscopic description , and to this day has reached its development efforts into isolation , identification and chromatographic techniques for the purpose of qualitative and quantitative analysis

Pharmacy in Greek is called Farmakon ( medika or drugs ) . Pharmacy itself means the art and science of natural resources in the provision of materials and synthetic materials are suitable for distributed and used in the treatment and prevention of disease . Generally , Pharmacy includes knowledge about the identification , combination , analysis and standardization of medication and treatment , including the medicinal properties and distribution as well as in terms of its use .Information and communication about medicines to people who need the information by the person entitled and qualified to provide information to the community for the present is a major factor in improving the health and strength of the people of a country's power .pharmacists
Pharmacist is someone who mixed and deliver or distribute drugs .
Another notion , pharmacists are someone who is an expert in medicine and health experts who generally are optimizing the use of medications to patients for better health .

disciplines.Pharmacy is divided into four primary disciplines :
Farmaseutika ( discipline related pharmaceutical drug manufacturing process of new chemical substances into dosage forms that are safe and effective when used by patients } .
Medicinal chemistry / Farmacognosi ( the science that studies the interaction of specific chemicals and pharmacology , including designing , synthesizing and developing pharmaceutical } .
Practical Pharmacy ( pharmacy discipline that develops and produces professional pharmacists .
Pharmacology ( studying the interactions that arise between the living and the chemicals that alter normal biochemical function ) .
 Community pharmacy.Pharmacies to be the most widely used professional pharmacists to apply their knowledge . But now most of pharmacists began turning to companies such as household cosmetics , shampoo , food , etc. .Hospital Phrmacy.Unlike the larger community pharmacy lead to business and relationships with patients , pharmacists who nekerja hospital clinic responsible for the medication to the patient . Because the treatment is performed in a hospital tends to be complex , before starting work , pharmacists are usually required to attend extra classes and training programs after graduation .Clinical Pharmacy.Clinical pharmacy service direct patient care to optimize medication and teach or provide knowledge about health and disease prevention to masyatakat .Formation of Pharmaceutical Products.Reshaping the practice of preparing the dosage is in the form of a new preparation . such as , drug manufacturer that provides preparation in tablet form will be changed by the pharmacist to the drug -containing lollipop . so when someone takes lollipops proficiency level , drug content also goes into his body .Pharmaceutical Consultants.pharmaceutical consultants , in practice , more focus on examination preparation drug . they usually work in home care , but is now also widely found in various institutions . usually they also work independently .Veterinary Pharmacy.Veterinary pharmacies sometimes called animal pharmacies / pharmacists animals . dosage veterinary pharmacies have variety and strength of different drugs with drugs in general , namely as farmaseutika animal preparations . veterinary pharmacy is often distinguished from general pda pharmacy .Nuclear pharmacy.Nuclear pharmacy focuses on preparing radioactive materials for diagnostic purposes and for the treatment of certain types of diseases . Nuclear pharmacists must follow additional training and practice before ent nuclear pharmacist also should not interact directly with patients .
from: Sri Chusniah ( 201310410311074 ) .

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