
Senin, 30 September 2013

Consep of Pharmacy

Pharmacy Concept

a.  Introduction  to  pharmaceutical 
         Pharmaceuticals derived from the word " PHARMACON " which means drug or poison . While understanding the pharmacy is a profession in the health sector which includes activities in the areas of discovery , development , production , processing , compounding , and distribution of drugs .
Responsibilities of a pharmacist is responsible for the health and safety of people / patients who need it .
In pharmaceutical sciences there are four areas studied , the clinical pharmacy , pharmaceutical industry , pharmaceutical science , and the pharmacy traditional


 PHARMACOGNOSY.                                             Pharmacognosy is derived from two Greek words, Pharmakon ( medicine ) and Gnosis ( science / knowledge ) . So Pharmacognosy is the science of medicine , especially of vegetable, animal and mineral . Definition that covers the entire scope of Pharmacognosy given by Fluckiger , namely knowledge simultaneously various branches of science to obtain all the terms you need to know about the drug .

History and Development Farmakognasi.
At approximately 2500 years BC , the use of medicinal plants has been used by people , it can be seen from clay slabs stored in the library Ashurbanipal in Assyria , which includes among other botanicals pomegranate bark , opium , anise, honey , yeast , castor oil . A physician has to know hiosiamina cinnamon , Gentiana , rhubarb , gum arabic and magnolia flowers .In 1737 Linnaeus , a

The history of pharmacy

name  : ihha nurul fatimah
NIM  : 201310410311065

The history of pharmacy as an independent science is quite old. The origins of historiography pharmaceutical back to the first third of the 19th century which is when the first historiographies that while not touching all aspects of pharmaceutical history is the starting point for the final start of this science.
Until the birth of pharmacy as an independent science, there is a historical evolution from antiquity to the present day that marks the course of this science, always connected to the 

Minggu, 29 September 2013

The different of toxic and drug


It is just sharing , and just to remind my friends how important caution , expertise and experience in the world of pharmacys , as we know that the origin of the word pharmacy only " Pharmacon " which means the drug or toxic , that which we can interpret themselves that the drug levels in the wrong way and it can be a very dangerous toxic  and the reverse, with expertise , precision and experience we can change the toxic into medicine is very useful to all people .
Given the things that can turn into toxic drugs and toxins into one drug is dose and processing . In addition , there is also a very important thing with regard drug use , namely the effect of the body is immune system over- reaction to certain

Jumat, 27 September 2013

Accuracy in the pharmacy

           Pharmacy is a profession in the field of medical science that studies the manufacture or distribution of drug compounding, who has completed a degree in pharmacy called the pharmacist, one of the pharmacist should be able to apply their knowledge to the community at large, because it is necessary for improving the healing of a person, one of the things that the main task of a pharmacist is dispensing or giving doses of drugs to patients, if we are dispensing or giving doses of the

Kamis, 26 September 2013

Pharmacy Technician Job Description


           Pharmacy technicians assist pharmacists in their day to day tasks. These professionals work under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist or another health care provider. Their job is to perform tasks related to the preparing and dispensing of pharmaceutical drugs.  They are also asked to perform clerical duties as well. Pharmacy technicians may work in pharmacies, hospitals,
nursing homes, insurance companies and other locations.

          The need for skilled pharmacy technicians is high due to an increasing senior population.  It is a very stable career which will continue to grow in the

Senin, 23 September 2013

Stories We Tell: Sarah Polley’s Meta Masterpiece

Director Sarah Polley’s documentary Stories We Tell revolves around her parentage. Can I leave it at that, and tell you no more? I’d like every viewer to have a chance to experience the movie’s slow reveals, rather than have its mysteries summarized in a few neat declarative sentences. Suffice it to say, there are family secrets. At one point in the film, Polley tells her sister “I can’t figure out why I’m exposing us all in this way. It’s really embarrassing.”


A drug is any chemical substance that you put in or on your body that changes how your body or brain works. Drugs are often taken for medical or recreational reasons. Drugs taken for medical reasons can be prescribed by a doctor or accessed